That's three years of the entire Dutch government budget." SENSITIVE MATTER In the year to this October, some 4.5 billion cubic metres of gas was produced from the Groningen fields. De NAM staat achter dit besluit. #learnbymaps #upsc #upscnotes #upsccurrentaffairs #upscmindmaps #globalhungerindex2022 #upscmaterials The Groningen gas field is a natural gas field in Groni. The cabinet must prepare Groningen for the reopening of the Groningen gas field. REUTERS/Michael Kooren AMSTERDAM, Sept 24 (Reuters) - The Netherlands will go ahead with plans to end. 18 July 2022. download materials. The Groningen gas field is expected to be closed between 2025 and 2028, with the possibility of bringing this forward. The Groningen gas industry Thousands of people have been affected by damage to their homes due to subsidence in the region, which sits above Europe's largest gas field and has been exploited by NAM, a joint venture set up by Shell and Esso, since 1963. Many residents whose homes have been damaged or pulled down are still waiting for compensation and the government has been criticised for the slow pace of its reparations scheme. The Netherlands had been winding down production at Groningen, once Europe's largest gas field, for years due to damage and safety concerns over earthquakes it triggers. The fields are capable of supplying some 25 billion cubic metres of gas a year. Column: De ontdekking van het Groningen gasveld April 19, 2021 Wat er over het Groningen gasveld gezegd of geschreven wordt, is niet altijd bezonnen of rationeel. January 7, 2022 Christine Stein Hededam The gas field in Groningen has been a source of debate and frustration in the Netherlands for years. Until recently, the plan was that Groningen would be closed completely by 2023, ending the large-scale gas production and export by the Netherlands with a bang. "Groningen is the Saudi Arabia of Europe when it comes to gas. Shell PLC. Groningen gas was discovered in the 1960s. Since its discovery the estimations of its size have been adjusted upwards frequently. In early September, the Kremlin cut gas supplies to Europe in response to Western-imposed sanctions for invading Ukraine. Groningen gasfield. Definition, determining and function of maximum magnitude in seismic hazard (TNO 17-10.058) (In Dutch) Groningen field: 2013 to present; Gas production and induced seismicity (TNO 2016 R10425 May 2016). The Groningen gas field lies in the northern part of the Netherlands, near the border with Germany Source: NAM/TNO Testing the Groningen discovery well, Slochteren 1, in 1959 The Southern Permian basin extended from the UK to Poland. This is stated in a new alarming advice from the Mijnraad, the independent group of energy experts established by law, which has been sent to the cabinet. A Dutch safety regulator has ruled out the reopening of gas production from the Groningen field after saying it was still a safety threat. There were almost 100 at the peak in 2017, with. Review of Groningen production plan (TNO memorandum 16-10.031). The gas taps will only be turned on again if there are very cold winters, not for price rises, the ministers said. The National Ombudsman called this a "national crisis" in 2021. Since then, the Dutch government has reaped an estimated 250bn euros from the sale of this natural resource. We have chosen to close the Groningen gas field ourselves and make ourselves dependent on foreign supply, while at the current value there is at least 1000 billion euros worth of gas in the ground. The Netherlands will not increase natural gas production from the Groningen fields to head off the impact of soaring gas prices, home affairs minister Kajsa Ollongren and economic affairs minister Stef Blok said on Friday. In 1959 the size was estimated at about 60 billion m3, in 1962 it was estimated at 470 billion m3 rising to 2000 billion m3 in 1967 to end up at an astonishing estimated total size of 2800 billion m3. Contents 1 History 1.1 Discovery 1.2 Concession 1.3 Resistance The production of gas from this field started in 1963. In 1959 the size was estimated at about 60 billion m3, in . AMSTERDAM, Sept 24 (Reuters) - The Netherlands will go ahead with plans to end gas production at the large Groningen field next year, the Dutch government said on Friday, despite the current. Home Actueel Het Groninger Gasberaad: "Bewoners en organisaties laten hun stem horen" Dutch energy experts told MPs last week the Netherlands could reduce its use of Russian gas in the short term with a variety of measures, including potentially extracting more gas from the Groningen field. The reopening of the field, even in the case of an emergency or an energy crisis, is politically controversial. Monday, 26 September 2022 - 18:20 Groningen gas field extraction to be reduced by more than a third from October The Cabinet announced its intention to further close the Groningen gas tap at the start of the upcoming gas year, which officially begins on 1 October. [] (ER: WHY?) Photo: Graham Dockery The government's mining watchdog has urged ministers to consult people in Groningen about extending gas production in the province beyond 2024. In addition, our gas storage facilities must urgently not be filled to eighty percent, but to one hundred percent. Het Kabinet besloot op 29 maart 2018 om de gasproductie in het Groningen-gasveld zo snel als mogelijk te beindigen. While the centre of the basin was taken up by a large salt lake, alluvial fans formed on the southern margin, with braided rivers, dune fields and sabkhas to the . Reopening the Groningen gas fields is seen as one way of breaking Dutch, and European, dependency on Russian gas, following the war in Ukraine. Support grows for reopening Dutch gas taps amid supply crisis By Karolin Schaps | EURACTIV Mar 23, 2022 (updated: Mar 28, 2022) Extracting more gas from Groningen would be an "ultimum. Last August there was a magnitude 3.4. 14 March 2022. By Jacob Nell (Senior Research Fellow at KSE institute, member of Yarmak-McFaul international working group on Russian sanctions), Nataliia Shapoval (Head of KSE Institute, member of Yarmak-McFaul international . "It's dangerous." Tremors at the Groningen field, which opened in 1963, began in the 1980s as the soft local clay and sandstone began to shift. Onderzoek naar aardbevingen We willen de relatie tussen gaswinning, aardbevingen en veiligheid beter begrijpen. Although Climate Minister Rob Jetten (D66) and D66 State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief (Mining) have maintained to date that the Groningen field will remain 'on a pilot light' this year, and will close definitively in 2023 or 2024, the experts advise due to the great uncertainty on the gas market because of the Ukraine war different. Even some traditional outlets in the Dutch media have shared proposals to reopen the Groningen fields. Hans Vijlbrief, the minister responsible for gas production, has so far resisted calls to reopen the Groningen gas field, calling it an ' ultimate remedy if all else fails '. The Groningen gas field was discovered in 1959 by the Dutch Petroleum Company (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij; NAM) when searching for oil. Daarom heeft de NAM een uitgebreid onderzoeksprogramma opgezet. But the Economic. By Reuters Updated: 25/02/2022 AMSTERDAM - The Dutch energy minister on Friday repeated that the government's intention to wind down production at the Groningen gas field remains unchanged. The Cabinet would like to be in a position to close down the Groningen gas field in 2023, as this is the only way to restore safety in Groningen and to reassure residents in the long run. De enorme omvang van het veld, de invloed die het gehad heeft op de Nederlandse economie en de ondoorzichtigheid van het gasgebouw hebben ertoe geleid dat er veel mythes in omloop zijn. Reopening the Groningen gas field would be controversial because the government has pledged to stop production altogether by 2030 because of the frequent earthquakes in the northern province. READ MORE | Groningen shaken by one of its worst earthquakes to date The reinforcement operation and damage settlement as a result of the earthquakes are progressing slowly. Since its discovery the estimations of its size have been adjusted upwards frequently. Our understanding of the geology of the Groningen field has evolved very significantly from the time of its serendipitous discovery in 1959 until today. Some 75% of the gas originally in place has been produced by now, and the field is rapidly approaching a natural phase of declining production. The Netherlands decided in 2019 to put a cap on gas production from the Groningen field ahead of ceasing all production by October 2022, eight years earlier than initially planned, due to the . Cabinet urged to consult Groningen about keeping gas fields open Politics April 12, 2022 This cafe in Zeerijp has been shored up for years. So, when the expected closure of the field was announced for mid-2022, environmentalists and Groningers took a collective sigh of relief. Groningen: Countering Russia's gas blackmail. (in Dutch) Now, European governments are considering drastic measures to cut energy demand and consumption this winter to survive. Groningen: Countering Russia's gas blackmail. A view of a gas production plant is seen in 't Zand in Groningen February 24, 2015. The government had been urged to reopen the fields to meet demand caused by the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis. Business Quakes prompt Dutch to shut EU's biggest gas field 03/29/2018 The Dutch government plans to halt extraction at the Groningen gas field by 2030 to limit the danger posed by. The production of gas from this field started in 1963. AMSTERDAM, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Shell CEO Ben van Beurden told a Dutch parliamentary panel investigating problems relating to natural gas production at the large Groningen gas field in . Exxon Mobil Corp. AMSTERDAM, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Gas production at the Groningen field in the Netherlands will be lowered to the minimal amount needed to keep wells operational in the coming year . Although Climate Minister Rob Getten (D66) and D66 Secretary of State Hans Velbreev (Mining) have so far confirmed that the Groningen field will remain 'in experimental light' this year, and will be permanently closed in 2023 or 2024, experts advise due to the great uncertainty In the gas market because of the war Ukraine is different. However, the uncertain geopolitical developments have prompted Vijlbrief to refrain from permanently closing down any wells this year.
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